Court Documents

Doyle Salewski acts in many capacities for companies in various situations.  If you have an interest in any of the companies below for which we are currently acting as monitor, receiver and manager, liquidator, or proposal or trustee, please click on its name for further information. Certain exhibits or schedules, and some documents have not been included for a variety of reasons. Complete copies can be obtained from the Court. 

Golden Oaks Enterprises Inc. & Jean-Claude Lacasse

On July 9, 2013, by application to the Ontario Superior Court of Justice, Doyle Salewski Inc. was appointed as receiver and manager (the “Receiver”) over all of the property, assets and undertakings of Golden Oaks Enterprises Inc. (“Golden Oaks”) and Jean-Claude Lacasse (“Lacasse”).

On July 26, 2013, Golden Oaks and Lacasse each filed assignments in bankruptcy pursuant to the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (“BIA”) and Doyle Salewski Inc. was named as Trustee, subject to the affirmation of creditors.

Copies of the insolvency related documents and receivership documents can be found below.

Court Orders & Endorsements 

Creditor Communications

Receivership Documents

Bankruptcy Documents 

Eastway911 Emergency Vehicles Ltd.

On January 3, 2016, Doyle Salewski Inc. was appointed as Trustee pursuant to a Notice of Intention to Make a Proposal filed by Eastway911 Emergency Vehicles Ltd. (the “Company”). On January 16, 2016, Doyle Salewski in was appointed Interim Receiver pursuant to the Order of the Honourable Justice Charles T. Hackland dated January 15, 2016 and was authorized to enter into a stalking horse sales process.  On January 15, 2016, the Court also approved a sale process by the Interim Receiver and extended the time for filing a Proposal to March 18, 2016.

Assaly Group of Companies.


Redriven Power Inc.

On the 11th day of May 2012, an Assignment for the General Benefit of Creditors (the “Assignment”) was made by Redriven Power Inc. (the “Bankrupt”) and filed with the Official Receiver on May 15, 2012. Prior to the filing of the Assignment, a secured creditor issued a Notice to Enforce Security pursuant to Section 244(1) of the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act and Section 63(4) of the Personal Property Act Ontario each issued on April 26, 2012. Pursuant to its security, the secured creditor took possession of the majority of Bankrupt’s assets. The Trustee intends to liquidate the assets and investigate a potential SRED refund claim.

Afton Food Group

July 16, 2004, Doyle Salewski was appointed as Monitor and Interim Receiver pursuant to a Court Order under the Companies’ Creditor Arrangements Act (CCAA).

North American Printing

November 2, 2004, Doyle Salewski Inc. was appointed as Proposal Trustee pursuant to a Notice of Intention to Make a Proposal. An Amended Proposal was approved by the Court on September 1, 2005. November 12, 2004, Doyle Salewski was Court appointed as Interim Receiver under the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (BIA).

The Manderley Corporation et al

March 23, 2005, Doyle Salewski was Court appointed as Monitor and Interim Receiver under the Companies’ Creditor Arrangements Act (CCAA).


June 7, 2005, Doyle Salewski was Court appointed Receiver over all the assets under the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (BIA).

Creative Building Maintenance

May 6, 2006, Doyle Salewski Inc. was appointed as Proposal Trustee pursuant to a Notice of Intention to Make a Proposal (“NOI”). The Court terminated the NOI process and deemed the Company bankrupt May 26, 2006. May 8, 2006, Doyle Salewski was Court appointed as Interim Receiver and Monitor under the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (BIA).


September 26, 2006, Doyle Salewski Inc. was appointed as Proposal Trustee pursuant to a Notice of Intention to Make a Proposal. A Proposal was approved by the Court on May 8, 2007. October 11, 2006, Doyle Salewski was appointed as Interim Receiver pursuant to a Court Order under the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (BIA).

Zoom Airlines

May 6, 2006, Doyle Salewski Inc. was appointed as Proposal Trustee pursuant to a Notice of Intention to Make a Proposal (“NOI”). August 28, 2008, Doyle Salewski Inc. was appointed as a licensed insolvency trustee pursuant to an Assignment in Bankruptcy filed.

Al Pak Demolition Services Limited

January 21, 2009, Doyle Salewski Inc. was appointed an Insolvency Trustee pursuant to an Assignment in Bankruptcy filed.

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